Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Sugeng Wiyono, Kolektor Foto Banyumas Tempo Dulu


Jenderal Gatot Subroto

Jenderal Gatot Subroto

Sejak Tahun 1975 tidak Pernah Direnovasi Jembatan Soekarno di Banyumas Jateng Ambles

BANYUMAS, (PRLM).- Jembatan Soekarno yang dibangun di atas Sungai Serayu perbatasan antara Kecamatan Rawalo dan Kebasen Banyumas Jawa Tengah runtuh Senin (27/6) sekitar pukul 8.30 WIB. Runtuhnya jembatan legendaris yang
didesian oleh Presiden RI pertama pada masa Orde Lama tersebut, mengancam Jembatan Soeharto, dulplikat jembatan Soekarno.

Jembatan sepanjang 129 meter terdiri dari tiga lengkungan masing masing lengkungan memiliki panjang 42 meter runtuh setelah salah satu tiang pancang amblesnya, kemudian disusul tiga tiang pancang bangunan yang sejak 1975 tidak pernah tersentuh oleh renovasi. Tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa tersebut namun seorang pemancing Sumarno (43) warga Desa/Kecamatan Rawalo mengalami luka-luka. Dia terjatuh bersamaan dengan runtuhkan jembatan bersejarah tersebut.

Informasi yang dihimpun di lokasi menyebutkan, detik-detik sebelum jembatan yang didesain oleh Presiden RI pertama Soakarno beberapa pemancing Sumarno, Nadar (48) dan Heru (33) sempat mendengar suara berderak cukup keras. Sumarno yang ada diatas jembatan Soekarno sempat diingatkan Heru dan Nadar yang saat itu berdiri di bawah Jembatan Soeharto duplikat dari jembatan Soekarno yang letaknya berdampingan. "Awas pak jembatan mau runtuh, cepat lari," kata Soemarno ketika diingatkan Nadar saat itu.

Soemarno sempat merasakan goncangan, dia lalu lari menghampiri sepeda motornya namun sebelum prosneling masuk gigi satu, Blaar !!! terjadi dentuman keras diiringi ambruknya jembatan, Soemarno ikut meluncur ke bawah bersama dengan sepeda motornya, dia hanya mengalami luka ringan.

Dalam hitungan detik jembatan ketika salah satu tiang pancang jembatan nasional menghubungkan Purwoketo Cilacap Yogyakarta ambles, disusul tiang pancang ke dua dan ketiga.

Kapala Balai Pelaksana Teknis (BPT) Dinas Bina Marga Jawa Tengah Wilayah Cilacap Suwito mengatakan, putusnya jembatan tersebut kemungkinan akibat gerusan air Sungai
Serayu. Berdasarkan data di BPT jembatan pada jalan nasional tersebut direnovasi pada 1975 dan ditutup pada 2003. "Karena faktor usia jembatan tersebut ditutup kemudian dibangun jembatan duplikat di sebelahnya.
Jembatan tersebut direnovasi terakhir pada 1975 kemudian
ditutup dan tidak dilalui kendaraan," jelasnya.

Menurut dia, pihaknya belum bisa memastikan penyebab putusnya jembatan Soekarno atau jembatan Cindaga.
"Selama ini pihaknnya belum pernah melakukan survey pada tiang pancangnya. Sebab jembatan tersebut merupakan proyek pusat,''katanya.

Koordinator Perwakilan Balai Serayu Citanduy, Ahadi, menambahkan bahwa robohnya jembatan bersejarah diduga akibat maraknya penambangan pasir di sekitar penopang Jembatan Soekarno. “Penambangan yang berlangsung
selama puluhan tahun menyebabkan tiang pancang dan menyebab jembatan runtuh. Kini penambangan mengancam keberadaan Jembatan Soeharto yang ada disebelahnya, bagian pondasi tiang jembatan sudah tergerus air,"

Pemerhati sejarah Banyumas, Hindayoen Nts, mengungkapkan kalau jembatan itu sangat monumental memiliki nilai sejarah tinggi. Sebab, jembatan tersebut disebut-sebut merupakan hasil karya arsitektur Presiden Soekarno. "Sejak penutupan, jembatan tersebut dibiarkan
merana dan tidak terurus. Disamping itu maraknya penambangan pasir memperparah kondisi jambatan yang sudah tua tersebut. Pemkab ikut bertanggung jawab dengan runtuhnya jembatan Soekarno,"jelasnya (A-99/kur)


Jembatan Soekarno di Kebasen Banyumas Jateng Amblesjembatan soekarno

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

An Official Statement from the English speaking brothers at Darul-Hadeeth under the dictation of Ash-Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him.


All of the praises are for the Lord of existence and may the prayer and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and Messengers to proceed:

We are Muslims from the lands of America, Great Britain, Canada and other English speaking countries. We all came from our faraway homelands to this abode (Darul Hadeeth Dammaaj) for the purpose of studying the affairs of the religion of Al-Islaam. We are free from the ways of oppression, offensive aggression, and wrong doing that which is found in the ways of the many sects (e.g. Al-Qaeda, Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen, etc.). This is the path we steadfast upon (seeking beneficial knowledge and doing righteous actions).

The Raafidhah (the Hoothis) have attacked us and have sieged (surrounded) Darul Hadeeth Damaaj. They have also prevented the entering of food and medicine for us, our women and our children. With this we have confronted their actions with patience and in return they have carried out attacks upon us, treacherously and oppressively killing some of the students. This is the situation that remains until this day- the 23 day of al-Maharram1432/ December 19, 2011.

We are upon a significant faith, reliance, and certainty that verily Allah the Mighty the Majestic will make a way out for us and relieve us of this hardship. This letter is for the purpose of clarity and information.

All of the praises are for the Lord of existence


Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Kau tahu....

Kenangan punya banyak pegawai..

Tak  digaji tapi kerja mereka brilian..

Membuatmu seakan hidup di dunia yang sempit

sembari terus bergumam “Dunia selebar daun kelor”

Dan kurasa semua pegawainya pastilah atlit maraton

Sejauh apapun berlari, ia akan terus membuntutimu...

suka atau tidak.

pelangi senja dari beranda

pelangi banyumas dari beranda

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

shorof has done


alhamdulillah...ternyata murojaah dari awal..wal..wal..wal.

emoh ngapa2in...maw belajar sketcUp ajah...sambil menikmati sakit...

:') alhamdulillah...

Tadi malam ade laki2ku sms nanyain masalah adzan bagi bayi yang baru di lahirkan, sayangnya aku telah tertidur dan baru kubuka setelah sholat shubuh...dan akhirnya kabar gembira pun tersiar...jam 03 tadi putra keduanya lahir,beratnya 3,1 kg, alhamdulillah prosesnya normal... dan untuk kedua kalinya...masih laki2...semoga menjadi anak yang sholeh, berbakti kepada orang tua, dan faqih dalam agama...semakin banyak saja keponakanku...


kemarin ade perempuanku sms,

20.12.2011 17:24

Ass, mz kirimaken foto teng fb jilbab mOderen, mamah pengin mriksani..


Allahul Musta'an...di satu sisi seneng jika mamah tertarik dengan jilbab, dan semoga mau mengenakannya bukan hanya ketika ada acara2 tertentu...di sisi lain...koq ya jilbab moderen? kenapa ga jilbab yang syari'e? dan lgi...aku udh jarang buka fb...                  


pagi ini belajar shorof...aku belum mengerjakan tugas dari ustadz, bahkan dars kemarin pun aku tertinggal, tidak bisa mengikuti karena sakit...dan sekarangpun aku sakit...tapi tetap nanti harus belajar...alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal...


Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Piety build a Whole

By: Muhammad Nuh.
Build self piety sometimes like driving on a deserted road. Must be able to measure the situation: whether the vehicle drove too fast, or very slow.
Fact may be, the preoccupation in the quiet atmosphere can make the driver fall asleep.

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


... So the parent child relationship and the relationship is not retribution. Standard proud parents to their children will only become apparent when the pride is based on the world scale.

  Parents should be proud of his son when his son be the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger, instead of depositing the largest nominal salary with ... =)

parent, child, retribution, proud, parents, world, scale, salary

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Yemen Islamists Decry 'Siege' by Shiite Rebels

December 01, 2011
Saana, Yemen. Thousands of Sunni Islamists rallied Wednesday in the Yemeni capital protesting against the alleged siege of a religious school by Shiite rebels in the north.
The Huthi rebels attacked the Salafist Dar al-Hadith institute in the rebel stronghold of Saada,

TransJakarta Begins Separating Female and Male Passengers on Buses

kampung Melayu, kampung rambutan, Jatinegara, Trans Jakarta, Ragunan, Dukuh Atas, Hijau Dunia
In order to prevent cases of sexual harassment on TransJakarta buses, the bus operator started a trial run last week separating male and female passengers on the Ragunan to Dukuh Atas route.

Rabu, 30 November 2011

I joined Meet Your wife

Of Thabit Al-Banani rahimahullah she recounted, there was a young man involved in a war. Youth is so strong desire to become a martyr. Who knows how many wars that have followed his martyrdom but never say hello.

Selasa, 29 November 2011

point of view

ANGLE of view of me was very related to my point of view with jealousy. When I looked at myself as a guitar player, I am glad if there is a better guitar player than me poor quality.


As a bride ....
Women are more beautiful than a girl ...
As a mother ...
Women are more beautiful than a bride ...
As a wife and mother ...
She is the most beautiful words in all seasons ...
and she grew more beautiful years later ...

Inspiring THE WOMEN (THE POWER OF Mothers)

by relentless on November 22, 2011 at 16:48
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim ... Once when I was with a young mother who was my age, she was heavily pregnant awaiting the birth of her second child arrived. Honestly I was amazed to see the prospective mother because

Senin, 28 November 2011


by relentless on February 27, 2011 at 19:17
wikileaks, yes Web sensation last year spread to uncover the secret American documents. although this issue is considered completed, but there is still a "mystery" that has not been solved,

where I have to go back?

Sunday morning I was finally able to go home, at nine a friend came to pick me up from the house rent, well we are one of the area and happened to friends since we were little young.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

74 Testament

1. Be always sincere in faith to God and be careful of riya 'in both word or deed
2. Follow the Sunnah in all words, deeds, and  morals.
3. Is devoted to God and her intention was to implement all commands and stay away from all of his ban.
4. Is repent to God and repent nashuha multiply is asking forgiveness.  
5. Remember that God is borne in watching your movements. and Know that God sees you, hear you and know what occurred in your heart.


Serayu Cindaga old bridge which was built in 1975 reportedly collapsed on Monday (27 / 6). The bridge is located on road-Rawalo Sampang KM. BMS. 20 700 and has 7 spans and 6 meters wide.

Mau cari bini ke 2 ???

muaaph...klo yang ini mah lo cariii ajaa sendiriii !!!!
ane 1 aja belum....

a you

You came, with all the fulness of you.
You came, even though dejavu

elegi manggarai after day

I think my heart moist at this time
My eyes are dim like a cloud that hangs
but without the rainbow after his

foto bendung gerak serayu

befriend the rain

What you feel when drenched in the rain?
swift break in a limited rate.

ode to ade

  I gave you faithful prayer,
  because your smile is a shooting star,
  share of dreams and hopes with me ...
  and own eyes ..
  stagnant lake very shady.
  I saw space in it ..
  wonderful to keep the fetus ...

Sabtu, 26 November 2011


So much of women who have not met her match: t: t: t is indeed a phenomenon of concern. Is not marriage is a fundamental requirement: $: $ All people want and yearn.